Use this button to add or remove widgets.
The available widgets depend on your booked modules (FIBU, wages etc.).
Your settings for the widgets apply to the respective user and are automatically saved..
menu bar
In the menu bar you will find the buttons for the subscribed modules. The available submenus depend on your booked modules (FIBU, wage etc.) as well as on the assigned authorizations.
system settings
Here you can access the system settings of Pesaris. These settings apply to the entire system and are therefore independent of the modules booked.
System Preferences can be used to manage users, language settings, permissions, backups and much more.
Here you can see with which user and client you are logged in. By clicking on this button you can change your personal password or switch to another client (only for multi-client systems).
logging off
Button to log out of Pesaris. We recommend that you always log out of the system cleanly.